With several Contractor Working Dogs (CWD’s) being abandoned by their companies in Afghanistan and numerous N.G.O. personnel being stranded without assistance from their home nation or Rescue Insurance, Burns Group International Counterterrorism Training Center has committed to helping prevent these tragedies in the future by providing intelligence, de-confliction, monitoring, advisory, funding, logistics, and rescue and evacuation services for N.G.O. personnel and Contractor Working Dogs (CWD’s) who have been stranded in hostile or non-permissive environments and are in need of rescue but unable to obtain assistance from their government.
BGICTC’s Crisis Management Teams monitors security threats and incidents of conflict or civil unrest around the world to identify areas where urgent rescue and evacuation services are needed.  In the even that the U.S. or our allies deem an area to hostile to provide rescue services to their citizens working for non-profit, non-governmental organizations or a security contractor is poised to abandon CWD’s in country, BGICTC’s OPERATION HOMECOMING steps in and will work with the groups or owners of the canines to affect their extraction from the hostile environment.  While we hope to never have to need this special program, by having the funding, resources, and personnel in place should the worst happen, we’ll be ready to help save lives.
To donate to OPERATION HOMECOMING or any of BGICTC’s programs, please click on the Donate Now button.  We greatly appreciate your generous donation.

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100% of your generous donation goes towards funding Burns Group International Counterterrorism Training Center’s programming. We deeply appreciate your support.